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Day 1 – The Grid


An introduction to Powered On Live 2024 from Jordan O’Brien, Editor of Electrical Review.

KEYNOTE: Flexibility in focus – how new technologies are enabling us to balance the grid

The UK is moving away from traditional methods of balancing the grid, and instead it’s relying on a multitude of levers at its disposal. Find out how EVs, energy storage, smart tariffs and even AI are changing the game when it comes to ensuring we get the right balance.

Ben Godfrey

Director of Distribution System Operator
National Grid

How grid sensors can assist DSO's with high levels Distributed Renewables Generation.

Today’s distribution network are facing challenges such as supply a reliable power, aging networks, extreme weather events, renewable energy sources and new demand on energy consumption can impact their performance. These another factor which can put stress on networks and worth on its reliability and can leads to outages.

Digitalisation in electrical industry is opening the door to key information, giving more insights about our networks which can help to improve reliability, actionable data from distribution networks allows operational persons to identify issues, making firm decisions and avoid costly equipment damages.

Megger provide solutions that collect and analyse these data so utilities can reduce power outages and identify weak spots in their grids significantly decreasing the risk.

Borzoo Mardani

Grid Performance Solutions (GPS) Territory Manager

Panel: Destination vs rapid charging – what is the priority?

Following the UK Government’s failure to achieve its target of having at least six rapid EV chargers at every motorway service station by the end of 2023, some have been questioning as to whether rapid charging should be the priority – or whether consumers need to adapt to more destination charging and away from the traditional ‘refuelling’.

Moderator: Matthew Adams

Transport Policy Manager
Renewable Energy Association

Nick Ballamy

Co-Founder & CEO

Luis Santiago Pinto

Co-Founder & CEO

Thomas Verghese

Technical Manager

15 minute break

Why microgrids aren’t just for rural developments

While microgrids were originally conceived as a way to give power to rural developments, the modern microgrid can be installed almost anywhere – and there’s a multitude of reasons as to why you’ll want to. 

Christophe Albertus

Head of Engineering Design Department

Panel: The future of the UK’s transmission network

The International Energy Agency has called for billions in investment for transmission networks around the world, with the UK aiming to overhaul its network to meet its net zero ambitions. But what exactly is needed to build a transmission network fit for the future?

Amir Cohen

Co-Founder & CEO
Electrical Grid Monitoring

Phil Thompson

Balance Power

End of Day One