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Welcome Back

Jordan O’Brien, Editor of Electrical Review, welcomes everyone back for day two of Powered On Live.

KEYNOTE: Building the next generation of electrical engineers

Speaker: Andrew Eldred, Director of Employment & Skills, ECA

Meeting our net zero commitments will require the next generation of electrical engineers to enter the industry, but how do we entice and empower young people to choose this ever-rewarding career.

Playing it safe

Speaker: David Powell, Electrical Instillation Safety Engineer, Electrical Safety First

Speaker: Richard Harvey, Electrical Instillation Safety Engineer, Electrical Safety First

Given the inherent risks associated with working with electricity, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest safety standards. This could be ensuring you’re wearing the correct personal protective equipment, or making sure you isolate any supply before starting work

Panel: Is the UK being ambitious enough in its route to net zero?

Chair: Helen Andrews Tipper, Head of Policy, Carbon Trust

Speaker: Mark Potter, Chief Technical Officer, 3ti Energy Hubs Ltd

Speaker: John Parsons, Digital and Technology Manager, BEAMA

Speaker: George Day, Senior Advisor: Net Zero, Energy Systems Catapult

The UK was bullish under its presidency of COP26, but is the country falling behind in its commitment to net zero compared to some other countries? At a time when France is mandating solar panels on all large car parks, can the UK really afford to disincentivise the installation of solar on farmland or onshore wind?

15-minute break

V2X: How EVs could be the missing piece in grid flexibility

Speaker: Rolf Bienert, Managing & Technical Director, OpenADR Alliance

The UK Government is finally backing V2X in the first real world test, could the technology be finally ready for prime time, and help ensure the grid’s future flexibility?

Could hydrogen help data centres decarbonise?

Speaker: Dr Gokce Mete, Senior Manager, Hydrogen & Industry Transition, South Pole

While it may have lost the battle against batteries for transportation, hydrogen fuel cells could see substantial use in future data centres for both backup and prime power systems. 

Panel: Could energy storage provide the grid with the resilience it needs?

Chair: Jonty Haynes, Principal Analyst, Regen

Speaker: Francisco de Leon, Professor of Electrical Engineering, New York University and Fellow, IEEE

Speaker: Nikki Pillinger, Specialist Connections Manager, Roadnight Taylor

Speaker: Dr. Thomas Verghese, Business Development Manager, EnerSys

Energy storage has the potential to be a game changer on the grid, storing electricity at periods of high generation, and putting it back when generation drops. But is the investment worth it?

End of Powered On Live